(i) | The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Committee elected at the Inaugural meeting and subsequently at the AGM. The Society to be named the Knowle Astronomical Society. |
(ii) | Committee members shall at all times act in the best interest of the members. A quorum for decisions of a Committee meeting shall be defined as the Chairman and the Secretary and one other Committee member. |
(iii) | The aims of the Society shall be to enable its members to develop and enhance their knowledge of astronomy through regular meetings, trips, and observing nights. |
(iv) | Prospective members must complete the Society's application form and return to the Secretary. |
(v) | Fees must be paid within one month of the due date. The non-payment of fees by the due may result in an individual's entitlement to take part in KAS activities, including voting at meetings, being suspended. |
(vi) | There shall be an entrance fee, due from the date of joining, and an annual subscription, due 1st July each year (or pro rata). The amounts as recommended by the Committee and ratified at the AGM. |
(vii) | Visitors
(Non-Members) to be charged to all meetings at a rate recommended
by the Committee and ratified at the AGM. A maximum of three
monthly meetings may be attended as a visitor prior to Membership
of the Society. Public Meetings- price to Members and visitors to be agreed by the Committee. Public Meetings are those at which a prominent individual will be speaking. A Member is entitled to bring up to two guests at the discretion of the Committee. |
(viii) | Meetings to be held within Knowle & Dorridge on the first Monday of each month in at least nine months of the year. Meetings to start at 7.30pm. |
(ix) | The Society must have an AGM held within thirteen months of the previous AGM or inaugural meeting. At least three weeks written notice must be given to members of an AGM. The notice must include an agenda. Committee members shall stand for re-election at the AGM. |
(x) | The Hon. Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting on the written request of not less than 50% of the current paid up membership. |
(xi) | Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands or by ballot if required. In the event of a casting of an equal number of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote. |
(xii) | Income and Expenditure accounts for the period from the previously presented accounts to a date not more than two months prior to the date of notice of the AGM shall be presented to the AGM for approval. An independent person appointed by the Committee must have audited the accounts. |
(xiii) | A bank account shall be operated in the name of Knowle Astronomical Society. The Treasurer and one of either the Chairman or Secretary must sign all cheques. In all cases two separate individuals must sign. |
(xiv) | Any alteration to the Constitution shall be made at an AGM or EGM. Notice of such proposed alterations shall be given to the members in writing at least thee weeks prior to the meeting. |